What is Lent?

Lent is a period of reflection, mirroring Jesus Christ’s 40 days in the wilderness. It’s a time to reflect on His sufferings and consider our own faith and obedience.

Truth about Lent:

Does Jesus require us to give up something during Lent? Yes, He calls us to surrender not only during Lent but throughout our lives.

What Should We Give Up?

Sin holds many consequences, leading us to fall into more sin. Pride, especially, “goes before a fall.” When pride dominates, a downfall is certain.

Effects of Pride:

1. Pride Will Lead to a Fall

Pride keeps us from repentance, leading to ruin (Job 11).

Esther demonstrated humility and submission, modeling how we, too, should live in humility.

A Call to Repentance:

We all have a second chance. Reflect, examine yourself, and repent.

Lessons from the Second Reading:

In Mark 8:31-38, the scripture highlights the power of one person’s declaration of faith. Because of one man’s decision, God granted salvation.

Verse 35 Reflection: Every unbeliever needs to hear the gospel. As Celestians, we must examine our own understanding of Jesus—can we truly affirm Him as our Lord and Savior?

Steps to Strengthen Faith:

1. Move from Curiosity to Commitment: Jesus is our lifeline.

2. Shift from Admiration to Adoration: Give Him true worship.

3. Engage Deeply in the Word of God.

A Cautionary Reminder:

We may feel secure when blessed with wealth, possessions, or comfort. However, following Christ doesn’t promise an easy life; it may demand hard work, sacrifice, and even suffering.

We have a choice—to accept Jesus now and be accepted by Him at His second coming, or to reject Him now and face the consequences later. May God guide us to avoid shame and embrace salvation.

Prayer: May God help us to live in humility, reject pride, and draw closer to Him as our safety line of salvation. Amen.